
Showing posts from November, 2022

The Significance of First Aid in Mental Health

Mental Health First Aid is a course that teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to the signs of mental illness and substance use disorders. But do you know what to do if someone around you is having a panic attack or is contemplating suicide?   This is what mental health first aid is for. Just as CPR teaches you how to help someone who is having a heart attack, First Aid in Mental Health teaches you how to help someone who is having a mental health or addiction crisis. There is strong evidence that mental health first aid (MHFA) training improves knowledge about how to support people developing a mental health problem, but little evidence that this support improves the mental health of the recipient of this aid. Mental Health First Aid Training has been identified as one of the key strategies to reduce the impact of mental health issues on productivity, and many workplaces are using MHFA training as the basis of their mental health strategy. Mental health pro...

Why There Is A Need For Fire Wardens Training At Workplaces?

It became a legal requirement with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. All employees in a business setting were required to receive basic fire warden training.  Every employer is responsible for appointing a sufficient number of responsible individuals in their organisation. Some people may freeze, unsure of what to do in the event of a fire, while others may go into shock or become hysterical. A fire warden becomes one of the most important people in the building at this point. Fire warden is trained to be calm in the midst of chaos; they are cool, calm, and collected.  Furthermore, an effective fire warden is responsible for preventing an emergency from occurring in the first place by promoting fire safety, conducting fire drills, and taking other preventative measures. Why It Is Important In Work Places? A Fire Warden can play a significant role in preventing fires from starting in your building. Wardens can help maintain a fire plan and assist in an emerg...