What is the Height work training? And how can TNA Work For This?
Anyone who works at a height, whether at or below ground level, must undergo training to demonstrate that they are competent and safe in their profession. Anyone involved in the planning, supervision, or management of height work or height work training. Work at height refers to any situation in which a person could fall a significant distance and sustain personal damage if proper measures are not taken. If you work above ground/floor level, you are working at height. Working at heights refers to persons who work from any location where they could fall and damage themselves, such as a ladder, open floor, roof edge, and so on. Working at a height necessitates taking adequate precautions to avoid falling from a great height, which can result in significant damage. Falling from a great height is a common cause of work-related injury. It is the employer's responsibility to ensure that all work from height is done safely. TNA Training and Safety Consultants specialize in height wo...